Which Engagement Strategy Worked Best?
December 2013
An energy company tried 3 different strategies to enroll residents in a conservation program. One approach far exceeded the others. Can you pick it?
Plus: 4 wondrous winter webinars to keep your brain warm in December and January! (PDF format)

Story Collecting: The Y Shows How
November 2013
Now entering its second year, “The Rye Y Story Project” offers a useful model for nonprofits that want to collect stories from their members.
Plus: Storytelling meets “American Idol”, and sign up now for December webinars at The Goodman Center! (PDF format)

How Stories Cause Social Change
October 2013
A new guide for grantmakers (and nonprofits, too) shows how narratives help us learn, organize, educate and advocate.
Plus: Take our Webinar on Webinars October 18th, and a reader shares her story! (PDF format)

Data Proves the Power of Story
September 2013
A University of Southern California study shows that health messages can have more impact when they come wrapped in a story.
Plus: A new schedule of classes, a new look at The Goodman Center, and a new edition of “Storytelling as Best Practice”! (PDF format)

It’s Alive! Behold, The Human Slide Show!
August 2013
Make the audience part of your presentation. Literally.
Plus: Raising the bar on presentations, and the full slate of classes offered at The Goodman Center in September! (PDF format)

14th Annual Summer Reading List
July 2013
No books to recommend this year, but here are three websites that provide invaluable resources for public interest communications.
Plus: Take our Webinar on Webinars July 19th! (PDF format)

Storytelling and the Art of Reputation Repair
June 2013
The “Our City, Our Story” project shows how a handful of well-told stories can begin to repair the reputation of an entire city.
Plus: Our online class on Presentations begins June 18th! (PDF format)

It took 15 years to write this.
May 2013
This month marks the 15th anniversary of my company, and more than a few thanks are in order. (PDF format)
Read newsletter
Which Photo Would You Run?
April 2013
Take our test and then download a free guide that can help you use photographs more effectively.
Plus: The Goodman Center Storytelling webinar starts this month! Also: info about Andy’s new podcast venture. (PDF format)

Where Are Your Blind Spots?
March 2013
Your strategy to wield influence and effect change may run into problems because of a crucial blind spot. A new report can help you see all your options more clearly.
Plus: Presentations and the Webinar on Webinars in March! (PDF format)

The Five Fastest Ways to Ruin a Webinar
February 2013
Here are five foolproof ways to do it (or, if you prefer, five mistakes to avoid when planning your next webinar).
Plus: take the Goodman Center Presentations webinar in March! (PDF format)

The #1 Myth in Presenting
January 2013
An oft-cited study supposedly proving “what you say” is less important than “how you say it” has been misinterpreted for decades.
Plus: Strategic Communications at the Goodman Center! Sign up soon! (PDF format)