MapQuest for Campaigners
December 2008
You know where you want to go, but do you always know the best way to get there? The Just Enough Planning Guide can help.
Plus: Is this your last issue of free-range thinking? (PDF format)

The Science of Site-Seeing
November 2008
Eye tracking studies can offer a clearer picture of what your visitors look at, what they miss, and why.
Plus: Sign up now for online storytelling classes in December! (PDF format)

A Few Well-Chosen Words
October 2008
That’s one definition of a good tagline. And when it’s time to choose, Eric Swartz knows what to look for.
Plus: Upcoming webinars at The Goodman Center (PDF format)

Writing for Non-Readers
September 2008
Most visitors to your website want information, and they want it fast. So how can you present a more user-friendly site? Start by Letting Go of the Words.
Plus: October at The Goodman Center (PDF format)

The 9th Annual Summer Reading List
July 2008
Brainless blockbuster movies. Ridiculous reality TV shows. And it seems like every email you send gets the automated reply, “I’ll be on vacation until….” Yes, the summer is upon us once again, so as you head for the beach, mountains, or just a shady spot in the backyard, here are a few good books to bring with you..
Plus: July 14 – It’s not just for Bastille Day anymore! (PDF format)

Winning Over Women
June 2008
A new book, The She Spot, makes the case that if you’re truly intent on changing the world, get women on your side first.
Plus: Summer Storytelling Starts July 1st (PDF format)

What’s Your Moment?
May 2008
If explaining what your organization does leaves you tongue-tied, taking some time to answer this question may help you find a better way to say it.
Plus: Ten and Grateful (PDF format)

Why Do You Do What You Do?
April 2008
When was the last time you thought about your answer to this question?
Plus: Are You Connecting? (PDF format)

She Makes Messages Matter
March 2008
Drawing on thirty-five years of experience in public interest communications, Rebecca Leet has produced a book that can make your message matter more.
Plus: 2008 Winter Webinars – What Students Are Saying (PDF format)

Falling Flat on Your Ask?
February 2008
You have their attention. Now, are you closing the deal, or are you
Plus: Do You Know the Four Connecting Points (PDF format)

New Year’s Resolution #1: No More Boring PowerPoint
January 2008
It’s possible, which Civic Ventures is currently proving with its presentation, “A Tale of Two Moments.”
Plus: Resolutions #2 and #3 (PDF format)