What Stories Can Learn from Jokes
December 2012
The next time somebody says, “Three guys go into a bar,” pay attention. There’s a lesson in storytelling behind the laugh.
Plus: The perfect gift for storytellers, and Strategic Communications at the Goodman Center! (PDF format)

The 5 Parts of the Perfect Pitch
November 2012
You’ve got a handful of minutes to pitch your nonprofit. What do you say? What do you leave out? Whatever you do, make sure you answer these five questions.
Plus: Register now for the final Storytelling webinar of 2012! (PDF format)

Your Presidential Debates Scorecard
October 2012
Obama and Romney each have stories to tell as well as stories to rebut. Tracking how they handle these stories is one way to score the October debates.
Plus: Strategic Communications and Presentations webinar this fall at the Goodman Center! (PDF format)

Marketing 101: Sell What They’re Buying
September 2012
In 2003, coal was king in Utah – it meant cheap energy and plenty of jobs – so the market for renewables was virtually nonexistent. But then two business school professors found an entirely new way to talk about wind power.
Plus: Our online storytelling class begins September 13! (PDF format)

How Book Burning Saved a Library
August 2012
An unusual campaign in Troy, Michigan proves yet again that if you want to change the world for the better, first you have to change the story.
Plus: Brush up your storytelling in September at The Goodman Center! (PDF format)

Your Summer Reading List
July 2012
As the weather warms and your work schedule eases (hopefully), here are some books to consider packing for your summer vacation.
Plus: Classes on Strategic Communications, Presentations, and Webinars this July at The Goodman Center! (PDF format)

How to Build a Storybank
June 2012
Good stories should be told more than once, so you need a safe place to keep them. Here’s how to build a bank that is guaranteed to generate interest.
Plus: Classes on Strategic Communications, Presentations, and Webinars this July at The Goodman Center! (PDF format)

Why We Are “Wired for Story”
May 2012
Story expert Lisa Cron explains why your audience doesn’t just like stories – they crave them.
Plus: Classes on Strategic Communications, Presentations, and Webinars this summer at The Goodman Center! (PDF format)

When True Stories Stop Being True
April 2012
The Mike Daisey controversy reminds us that the truth can stretch only so far.
Plus: The Webinar on Webinars on April 27 at The Goodman Center! (PDF format)

Storytelling: Clinically Proven to Work
March 2012
A Birmingham hospital study shows how stories can measurably improve patients’ health when more conventional methods fail.
Plus: Strategic Communications and Presentations classes at The Goodman Center this month! (PDF format)

Getting Serious About Playing Games
February 2012
If they can drive positive social change, maybe games should be part of your strategy.
Plus: Why Bad Video Happens to Good Causes — one-time-only webinar this month! (PDF format)

To Change the World, Think Small
January 2012
In his thought-provoking new book, Peter Sims explains why making little bets may be the fastest way to big payoffs.
Plus: Beth Drews scholarship winners, and four classes this month at the Goodman Center! (PDF format)