What All Good Stories Have In Common
December 2010
Brian McDonald calls it “The Golden Theme,” and it’s critical to telling more resonant stories.
Plus: Beth Drews Scholarship recipients announced, and the Goodman Center Storytelling class returns in January! (PDF format)

The Too-Much-Too-Soon Problem in Storytelling
November 2010
It’s very common and very easily avoided.
Plus: A new StoryCorps service, and a Presentations class at The Goodman Center (PDF format)

Introducing The Beth Drews Scholarship
October 2010
Nominations are now being accepted for full-tuition scholarships to all classes offered at The Goodman Center.
Plus: Take a webinar on webinars at The Goodman Center (PDF format)

Strategic Communication Saves the Family Dog
September 2010
A true story from my own backyard.
Plus: Strategic Communications and Presentations classes at The Goodman Center (PDF format)

Change the Story, Change the World
August 2010
People can’t face facts if they’re looking the wrong way. So first tell them a story that can change their point of view.
Plus: Storytelling and Presentations classes at The Goodman Center (PDF format)

Summer Reading (and Renting) List
July 2010
Summer is the time to relax and recharge, so here are three books to read and one documentary to rent before resuming the good fight.
Plus: Our Webinar on Webinars class returns July 22nd! (PDF format)

Building Stronger Stories With 7 Sentences
June 2010
People can’t face facts if they’re looking the wrong way. So first tell them a story that can change their point of view.
Plus: Master Storytelling and Strategic Communications classes at The Goodman Center
(PDF format)

Winning the War with PowerPoint
May 2010
The fault, dear presenter, is not in our slides, but in ourselves.
Plus: Strategy and Webinar classes at The Goodman Center (PDF format)

Telling Tales in Tight Spaces
April 2010
A little narrative can go a long way.
Plus: Storytelling and Meetings classes at The Goodman Center (PDF format)

Presenting, Meet Tweeting
March 2010
The rules for presentations change when your audience has an audience.
Plus: Meetings and Master Storytelling at The Goodman Center (PDF format)

Stories vs. Data: The Rematch
February 2010
A 1980 study reminds us that numbers are no match for a strong narrative.
Plus: Storytelling and Strategy classes at The Goodman Center (PDF format)

Web Video Worth Watching
January 2010
A veteran director offers five tips for improving the videos on your website.
Plus: January classes at The Goodman Center (PDF format)