Joke Gift or Public Education Campaign?
December 2003
Each box of “Bush Cards” contains 52 good reasons not to vote for W in ’04. With over 30,000 decks in circulation and many more on the way, you have to wonder if this is something more than a novelty item. (PDF format)
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The Message They Couldn’t Escape
November 2003
Shaken baby syndrome is one of those disturbing problems most people would rather not hear about. So the Shaken Baby Association made sure its audience didn’t have a choice.
Plus: What if a nonprofit had created Nike’s slogan? Online Help for Your Next StarSearch (PDF format)

Seven Questions to Sharpen Your Stories
October 2003
Good stories cut through the clutter and connect with people’s hearts, opening their minds to your point of view. Dull stories don’t, and all too often, that’s what public interest groups are telling. (PDF format)
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The Thing About Lists
September 2003
They oversimplify, ignore nuance, and reduce complex issues to arguably arbitrary rankings. So how can a list be the best friend your issue ever had? (PDF format)
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Why Your Message Needs Emotion
August 2003
A scientific study of human brain activity provides new evidence of the significant role emotions play in the decision-making process – a noteworthy finding for anyone competing for hearts and minds.
Plus: The Bushwhacking of the American Mind (PDF format)

The 4th Annual Summer Reading List
July 2003
Whether you’re headed for the beach, the mountains, or just a chair next to the air conditioner, here’s another armful of must-reads to help you bone up for the battles ahead.
Plus: All the summer reading lists from 2000, 2001, and 2002. (PDF format)

When Good Stories Go Bad
June 2003
A compelling story can help build your organization. It can also hold it back, as the Campus Outreach Opportunity League is still learning.
Plus: Da Vinci vs. PowerPoint (PDF format)

Why Effective Email is RARE
May 2003
When the email you send is Requested, Anticipated, Relevant, and Easy to digest, it can advance your mission and build your audience.
Plus: Top Tool for Targeting Teens (PDF format)

Thinking Inside the Box
April 2003
Fill in the boxes on the Smart Chart and you’ll avoid one of the most commonly made mistakes in public interest communications.
Plus: More Homes for Your Next Op-Ed (PDF format)

Pointers on Pitching From Both Ends of the Call
March 2003
Who knows as much about pitching public interest stories as the professionals who do it every week? How about the journalists who answer the phone?
Plus: Online Tips for Pitching
Plus: Paul Begala’s 7 Rules for Highly Effective Pitchers (PDF format)

Reaching for The Stars
February 2003
Approaching celebrities to speak for your cause is a delicate process fraught with unwritten rules. Until now.
Plus: Getting Down to Cases (five case studies for public interest communicators.) (PDF format)

Aiming at Ears to Reach Hearts & Minds
January 2003
If you know how to exploit its strenghts, radio can be the best way to ensure that your message is heard.
Plus: E-Mail Advocacy: Fast, Convenient and Ineffective? (PDF format)