Stories or Data: Which Makes the Stronger Case?
December 2009
And what happens when you use both? A 2007 study offers some surprising answers.
Plus: January classes at The Goodman Center (PDF format)

Books Beyond Buzz
November 2009
Hot books come and go, but these five remain essential reading for anyone who wants to understand how people think and what makes them act.
Plus: Strategy and storytelling on tap this month at The Goodman Center (PDF format)

Getting Your Message in Prime Time
October 2009
How does a nonprofit that builds playgrounds score a featured role in NBC’s Thursday night lineup? Well, first you pick up the phone…
Plus: Master Storytellers Welcome (PDF format)

A Wake-Up Call for Fundraisers
September 2009
A new study asserts “The Way We Write is All Wrong” and backs it up with a word-by-word analysis of fundraising appeals from over 800 nonprofits.
Plus: How to Improve Your Webinars (PDF format)

Three Ways to Sharpen Your Storytelling
August 2009
Read good stories at the Nieman Narrative Digest, watch them on TED’s Master Storytellers channel, and then write them to promote your good works with a little online help from us.
Plus: September Classes at The Goodman Center (PDF format)

A Nonprofit by Any Other Name
June 2009
…may find sweeter results, as the Children’s Health Environmental Coalition discovered after changing its name to Healthy Child Healthy World
Plus: Free Webinar – The True Cost of Telemeetings (PDF format)

To Enter Meeting Hell, Press #
May 2009
It’s hard to have a good meeting. Having it via telephone, videoconference or the web makes it even harder.
Plus: Free Webinar – 3 Tips to Get Research Right (PDF format)

A Bank That Always Builds Interest
April 2009
Investing time now in building your storybank can ensure your people will always find the right story when they need it.
Plus: Put Some Spring in Your Communications (PDF format)

The Tenth Annual Summer Reading List
July 2009
As the weather warms and the pace slows, find a shady spot and catch up on some good reads for good causes.
Plus: Can’t tell a Tweet from a Digg? (PDF format)

A Warmer Website Welcome
March 2009
When visitors land on your homepage, they may not know where to go first. So why not step out and lend them a friendly hand?
Plus: Storytelling: Let the Un-Learning Begin (PDF format)

Is That a Humpback Whale In Your Pocket…?
February 2009
The Center for Biological Diversity is transforming thousands of cell phones into megaphones for its message.
Plus: Storing Stories – How Do You Do It? (PDF format)

An Annual Report You’ll Actually Want to Read
January 2009
By telling the story of a single child, Friends of the Children invites readers into their work in a new and compelling way.
Plus: Free Help for Writing Press Releases (PDF format)