Pro Bono Prima Donnas…
December 2007
…and other perils to ponder before selecting an advertising agency to help promote your cause.
Plus: Raise Your Eye-Q (PDF format)

How High is Your Eye-Q?
October 2007
Your organization’s ability to attract attention and engage your audience may depend on the answer.
Plus: Want to Raise Your Eye-Q? (PDF format)

Sometimes, It Is About Us
November 2007
An open letter to public interest professionals on the occasion of the one hundredth edition of this humble journal.
Plus: How Foundations Can Help Grantees Communicate More CLEARly (PDF format)

The Netflix School of Public Affairs
September 2007
Ready to learn the finer points of leadership, advocacy, and strategic communications? Fire up the DVD player and grab some popcorn — class is now in session.
Plus: TED Talks — Worth a Listen (PDF format)

Taking it to the Streets: The Artist’s Way
August 2007
Convincing pedestrians to stop and talk about your issue is an art, as Eve S. Mosher is proving on the streets of New York this summer.
Plus: Taking it to the Streets: UNICEF’s Way (PDF format)

The Eighth Annual Summer Reading List
July 2007
For even the most dedicated doer-of-good, warmer weather signals a time to relax and recharge. We all know the issues never rest, however, so here are five books that can help you work smarter when you return from the beach, the mountains, or just that shady spot in your back yard.
Plus: Storytelling Summer School (PDF format)

The 10 Immutable Laws of Storytelling
June 2007
Plus: Good Cause. Lousy Message. (PDF format)
Read newsletter
Good Sites for Good Causes
May 2007
Need help framing a message, chasing down polling numbers, or finding the best way to pitch a story? The web is loaded with excellent (and free) advice for public interest communicators.. if you know where to look.
Plus: Mark Your Calendar! (PDF format)

The Minute Hand That Rocks the World
April 2007
When it comes to making complex issues accessible to the public and attractive to the media, the Doomsday Clock is so good it’s scary.
Plus: The Doomsday Clock — By The Numbers (PDF format)

Telling Tales to the Data-Driven
March 2007
A doctor’s story about an unforgettable Christmas Eve shows how storytelling can make the case when numbers alone don’t.
Plus: Diesel-Powered Advertising? (PDF format)

Terrible Telephone Interviews Made Easy
February 2007
When a reporter calls, a golden opportunity to spread your organization’s message can be easily lost. How? Just follow these seven simple steps!
Plus: Ten (Serious) Tips for Telephone Interviews (PDF format)

What I Learned in iSchool
January 2007
Gathering people over the web is easy. Keeping them engaged is not.
Plus: Where to put your elevator story. (PDF format)